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A Golden Grin


Hello all and happy 2014! I realize it’s been a while since my last post…but with very good reason. I’ve neglected my friends and family, set up in my home studio listening, editing, doing test mixes and spending hours writing emails in both French and English (try writing in French on an English PC…it takes hours to use all those alt+ codes…I even accidentally learned some weird symbols like musical notes in the process) trying to get things together for this release.  Probably wasted some time updating my facebook as well if I’m being perfectly honest.

I would like to announce that I was extremely thrilled to work with engineer Mark Lawson on a recent test mix and we have plans to complete the mixing in early March. He’s mixed some really amazing records…which was how I became a fan initially (he produced Basia Bulat’s Tall Tall Shadow…a really sonically beautiful record…and I instantly looked up who the producer was). So being able to work with him is a pretty huge thing for my album. The working title is A Golden Grin which comes from a line in my tune O Pioneer: “Well you can steal something yourself/ Or you can buy it from a thief/ Who seals his lips to hide his teeth / A golden grin underneath.”

I definitely appear to have an obsession with having “Gold” in my album titles, but then again maybe this stems from my obsession with Greek myths–the golden apples of discord, the golden apples of Hippolyte, the golden fleece.  Originally I was planning on naming my record company “Golden Apple Records” instead of “Syren Songs” but my sister reminded me how litigious Apple Records was with Apple Computers in the late 70s (their court order stipulated that Apple Computers stay out of the music business, which is why the Beatles only made it to iTunes a few years ago). I did eventually redirect my obsession with gold to North America; I wrote O Pioneer after visiting Dawson City in the Yukon, which is still surrounded by tailings ponds and gold claims. A Golden Grin has a lot less to do with Greek myths than Gold Rings and Fur Pelts did.

I wrote a bunch of this material with the help of CALQ last year. I never would have been able to take the time to write these songs without them. I really appreciate their support. I’ll be publishing some of my lyrics to the upcoming record on my blog over the coming months, stay tuned!

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